Success Stories

We are reaching more and more students every day. Look forward to reading about our success stories here, coming soon!

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Donations to Schools in Bomet & Narok Counties (Kenya)

Kecher, in collaboration with Trounce Kenya, Bomet County, and other Japanese donors, donated masks and hand sanitizers to 13 schools in Bomet and Narok Counties in Kenya in order to combat Covid19.

The majority of donations came from Kecher partners in Japan, as well as from individual Kecher management team members, board members, and mentors worldwide.

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Our Webinars

As at the end of September 2021, we had organized a total of 12 webinars, 11 under our "Education Beyond Borders" series and another one under "After, "Education Beyond Borders" series.

Through this webinars, we have reached over 5,000 students and young people across Africa.

Community Exchange

In collaboration with Toybox Japan, held a community exchange between the people of Yonezawa City in Japan and Tegat Location in Bomet County in Kenya.

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